WINGS Magazine Australia

Privacy policy

Air Force Association Limited is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its members, supporters, staff and all members of the public who deal with WINGS Magazine Australia. It has implemented the WINGS Magazine Australia Privacy Policy, which includes this Privacy Statement, to provide you with information about how it collects, holds and uses personal information you provide.

WINGS Magazine Australia may, from time to time, review and update its Privacy Policy, including to consider new laws, regulations, practices and technology. All personal information held by WINGS Magazine Australia will be governed by its most recent Privacy Policy (including this Privacy Statement). It will post on its website that changes have been made to the Privacy Policy and publish on the website the effective date when the Privacy Policy is updated.From time to time it may use the personal information already collected to identify new services and/or products it believes may be of interest to you or use personal information in new ways. It will generally only do this where it is permitted to do so under the relevant privacy laws.

To the extent applicable, WINGS Magazine Australia will comply with the relevant Acts covering the legitimate use of an individual’s personal information. Noting Air Force Association Ltd is a company registered in the State of Victoria, the relevant Acts are:

WINGS Magazine Australia takes a risk management approach to collecting, storing and using your personal information and data. It knows the risks and take steps to mitigate them as the most important element of best practice charity governance. The Air Force Association Ltd Board of Directors is highly aware of and sensitive to its legal responsibility in managing personal information and data. Where a data breach occurs, and meets relevant regulators’ specified harm thresholds, the Board and WINGS Magazine Australia follow mandatory data breach notification procedures of the relevant regulator.

Personal information means information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable:

Personal information includes:

WINGS Magazine Australia may collect personal information from people who are connected to its operations and activities – including:

?It also collects information about you if you are a user of our website.

Where possible, WINGS Magazine Australia will collect your personal information directly from you. This may be:

Where it is unreasonable or impracticable to collect personal information about you directly from you, it may also collect your personal information from third parties such as: contractors/service providers (including RAWINGS Magazine AustraliaNSW  Publications, and freshcreative Design Services.

When WINGS Magazine Australia engages with you multiple times over a short period in relation to the same matter, it may not provide you with a separate notice about privacy each engagement.

WINGS Magazine Australia may collect your personal information for a number of purposes, including:


In some cases, WINGS Magazine Australia may collect your personal information as an agent for Air Force or an Air Force Association state and territory division or any other organisation where it has a lead role in a commemorative activity or event. In those circumstances, your personal information will be collected, used and disclosed by both WINGS Magazine Australia and those organisations in accordance with their separate privacy policies.

WINGS Magazine Australia will provide you with a collection notice which explains the primary purpose for which we are collecting your personal information.

Unless required or authorised by law to use or disclose your personal information, WINGS Magazine Australia will not use or disclose personal information that was provided for a purpose for other purposes unless:

WINGS Magazine Australia uses 'cookies' to collect information about which web pages you view and how you reach them, what you do when you visit a page, the length of time you remain on the page, and how it performs in providing content to you.

A 'cookie' does not identify individuals personally, but it does identify computers. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a 'cookie', and this will provide you with an opportunity to either accept or reject it in each instance. If you disable the use of cookies on your browser or remove or reject specific cookies from our website or linked sites, then you may not be able to gain access to all the content and facilities in those websites.

WINGS Magazine Australia may gather your Internet Protocol (IP) address as part of its business activities and to assist with any operational difficulties or support issues with its services. This information does not identify you personally.

WINGS Magazine Australia may preserve the content of any email or other electronic message or form that it receives. Any personal information contained in those messages will only be used or disclosed in accordance with this WINGS Magazine Australia Privacy Policy. The message content may be monitored by our service providers or WINGS Magazine Australia or its staff and volunteers for purposes including trouble shooting, compliance, auditing and maintenance, or where email abuse is suspected, which means that your personal information may be disclosed to third party service providers.

The WINGS Magazine Australia website and its social media channels may, from time to time, contain links to the websites and social media sites/profiles of other organisations or individuals which may be of interest to you. These third-party websites or profiles themselves may facilitate collection of information by those third parties, through your interaction with the websites or profiles and sometimes even if you do not interact directly with them. WINGS Magazine Australia is not responsible for the technical operation of these websites or profiles or the collection and use practices of the relevant third parties. Linked websites and social media sites/profiles are responsible for their own privacy practices and you should check those websites and social media sites/profiles for their respective privacy policies to understand their privacy practices and options they may make available to you in relation to their collection of your personal information.

WINGS Magazine Australia uses a range of social media accounts to inform, engage, communicate with and learn from stakeholders and the worldwide Air Force community. WINGS Magazine Australia’s social media team may choose to follow organisations and individuals involved with, or actively discussing relevant issues. Individuals and organisations choosing to follow WINGS Magazine Australia may be followed, friended or your posts shared or connected to in return.  However, WINGS Magazine Australia only contacts individuals who have initiated the communication through social media.

WINGS Magazine Australia social media team responses should be considered as comparatively informal especially when they are dealing with enquiries and direct messages sent via our social media accounts. WINGS Magazine Australia has formal procedures for providing support and can only respond to emails, post and phone.

WINGS Magazine Australia’s social media team periodically monitors accounts during business hours (Australian Eastern Standard Time). The accounts may also be intermittently monitored outside business hours subject to staff availability; WINGS Magazine Australia reserves the right to remove any posts not complying with acceptable use.

Third party sites or profiles linked from our social media accounts are not controlled, maintained or endorsed by WINGS Magazine Australia to the extent permitted by law. WINGS Magazine Australia is not responsible or liable for any content posted on or uploaded to our social media accounts by a user or any content on third party sites linked to by our social media accounts.

Your personal information will be stored on a password protected electronic database, which may be one on one of the Association’s state or territory division’s databases, a database maintained by a cloud hosting service provider or other third party database storage or server provider. Backups of electronic information are currently written backup disks.

WINGS Magazine Australia soft and hard copy information is generally stored and secured to prevent unauthorised entry. It may be stored for a time with a third party for specific purposes, for example at a mailing house.

Any personal information not actively being used is archived, usually for seven years or earlier, after which time it is securely destroyed.

Where personal information is stored with a third party, WINGS Magazine Australia has arrangements which require those third parties to maintain the security of the information. WINGS Magazine Australia takes reasonable steps to protect the privacy and security of that information, but WINGS Magazine Australia is not liable for any unauthorised access or use of that information.

Your personal information will stay on the database indefinitely until you advise you would like it removed, unless WINGS Magazine Australia de-identifies it or destroys it earlier in accordance with privacy law requirements.

Due to the complexity of WINGS Magazine Australia’s operations, your personal information may be stored simultaneously in more than one database or location.

WINGS Magazine Australia complies with the Payment Card Industry standards when handling payment card transactions. This means that WINGS Magazine Australia handles payment card information extremely securely while transactions are made, and do not retain payment card details afterwards.

WINGS Magazine Australia will, upon your request, and subject to applicable privacy laws, provide you with access to your personal information that is held by WINGS Magazine Australia. However, WINGS Magazine Australia request that you identify, as clearly as possible, the type/s of information requested. WINGS Magazine Australia will endeavour to deal with your request to provide access to your personal information as soon as practicable, and in any case within seven days.  

Your rights to access personal information are not absolute and in certain circumstances, privacy laws dictate that WINGS Magazine Australia is required to grant access such as:

You may ask WINGS Magazine Australia to update or delete the personal information WINGS Magazine Australia holds about you at any time. WINGS Magazine Australia will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making any corrections to or deletion of your information. WINGS Magazine Australia also have obligations to take reasonable steps to correct personal information its holds when it is satisfied that it is inaccurate, out-of-date, incomplete, irrelevant or misleading for the purpose for which it is held. To assist WINGS Magazine Australia in this, you need to provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as requested, and promptly update the information provided to WINGS Magazine Australia to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.

If you require access to, or wish to update your personal information, please contact WINGS Magazine Australia in any of the ways set out under ‘Contact, complaints and further information’, below. WINGS Magazine Australia  will use all reasonable efforts to correct the information. You may be required to authenticate your identity by providing your personal information or the personal information of others, such as your authorised representative or the person for whom you are an authorised representative.

Sometimes a person may deal with WINGS Magazine Australia anonymously or by using pseudonym, such as when making a general enquiry. The nature of these calls may be recorded for evaluation purposes (for example assessing an issue associated with an administrative or advocacy matter). However, in most circumstances WINGS Magazine Australia will not be able to deal with persons in this way for practical or regulatory reasons.

If you:

please contact us

Use of this website and the material in it is governed by these terms and by the Privacy Policy of WINGS Magazine Australia .

Copyright on this website or email is strictly preserved. No part of the material covered by copyright should be copied or reproduced without the written permission of Air Force Association Ltd except that use of the material for private study or research is permitted without such prior consent provided that the source of the material is acknowledged.

WINGS Magazine Australia does not necessarily support the views expressed in material on our website.

We do not represent, warrant or guarantee that this website, emails sent by WINGS Magazine Australia or on behalf of WINGS Magazine Australia (the emails) are free of computer viruses or any other defects or interference or interception. The material contained in this website or the emails do not constitute financial, legal, accounting or other professional advice.

While all reasonable care has been taken in its preparation, WINGS Magazine Australia does not make any express or implied representations or warranties as to the completeness, reliability or accuracy of any material on the website or emails.

To the extent permitted by law, WINGS Magazine Australia excludes any liability for any loss or damage arising out of the use of this website or emails.

Any links to third-party websites are provided for convenience only and do not represent endorsement, sponsorship or approval of those third parties or the information included in third party websites.